Showing posts with label interview. Show all posts
Showing posts with label interview. Show all posts

Saturday, June 8, 2013

( 5 for Friday: Sneaky Interview & Job Seeking Tips Edition )

5 for Friday: Sneaky Interview & Job Seeking Tips Edition

All’s fair in love and interviewing. No tips, no tricks (short of lying), and no source for help is off the table. With that in mind, here are some links with some sneaky suggestions you might not have considered before.

  • Exploit Hiring Bias: Be The First Job Interview Of The Day. Fast Company: “[I]t seems that admissions officers, like hiring managers and other humans, are suffering from an unexamined bit of confirmation bias: Even though statistically some days can have a randomly excellent amount of candidates, the admissions officer, expecting an average selection, unconsciously penalizes later interviewees so that the overall set seems normal.”
  • The Emotion Men Should Hide in Job Interviews. Yahoo! News: “A study by researchers from the University of Guelph in Canada discovered that job seekers who are anxious perform worse on job interviews, with the effects greater for men than women…The research shows that while men are no more anxious than women during job interviews, they experience significantly greater impairments as a result of anxiety.”
  • How to Job Hunt Like a CEO. Fox Business: “The key to applying like a CEO is to master the balance of confidence and humility when approaching a job, says Jay Millen, co-leader of recruitment firm DHR International’s Board and CEO of Practice Group. “It’s easy to over portray your skills and strengths,” Millen says. “It’s very important to be an active listener and understand the job you are applying for. Do [your] homework and due diligence before you apply.”
  • 4 Sneaky Ways to Determine Company Culture in an Interview. The Daily Muse: “[U]nfortunately, you can’t just ask “Can you tell me about the company culture?” and consider yourself covered. Much like you tout your best self in an interview, the person you’re interviewing with is putting his or her best foot forward—and you may hear a canned response that gives you very little insight.”
  • 5 Creative Cover Letters That Worked. Brazen Life: “Everyone knows you need to submit a great cover letter with your job application.* But you might not know that that great cover letter doesn’t have to be written in “business block” form. You don’t even have to use Microsoft’s “Clippy.” A nontraditional cover letter can take the form of a list of quotes, a table or chart or an infographic. It doesn’t even have to be a letter at all, if it succeeds in getting a hiring manager’s attention.”

The post 5 for Friday: Sneaky Interview & Job Seeking Tips Edition appeared first on MonsterWorking.