Showing posts with label advice. Show all posts
Showing posts with label advice. Show all posts

Thursday, March 21, 2013

( #FindBetter Wednesdays: Your Advice for Career Success )

#FindBetter Wednesdays: Your Advice for Career Success

We asked our social media connections to contribute their best tips for career success, and the results have been exciting and inspiring. We reached out via  tweets hashtagged with #FindBetter and our Facebook page, and we’ll be rounding up the best and most popular advice each week.

This week we asked:

What’s your best tip to stay sane during a difficult work week?

Popular responses included: enjoying a good post-work book or workout, organization and prioritization, maintaining personal positivity by smiling, and giving others positive encouragement.

If you could do one thing differently when you were younger to help your career now, what would it be?

Popular responses included: taken Spanish as a second language, attended a better university, done an internship, started community college right after high school, entered the military, stayed away from people who didn’t support my goals, and taken school more seriously.

What’s the best bit of career advice you’ve ever had? 

Popular responses included: do what you love and the money will follow, be proactive about generating career experience, be patient with yourself during the first few months of a new job, ask questions and listen.

More #FindBetter tips we found helpful:

@GalloMontreal Don’t be shy to share you are unemployed, and looking. You never know who will help you

@Corneliocmc “There is no success that is final, and no failure that is fatal”

@PeterShanksUU Establish a network and raise your visibility; and “work, work, work”

@StratfordGreg  I networked the hell out of all my contacts, both on and off line: Wasn’t afraid to step up and ask

@Ask_Dan  Make a lasting impression. People should look around & still see you, even after you’re gone.

@CremRecruitment Research your potential employer and preparation for any interview is the key to success

@ghasley Don’t discount opportunities that move you in a new direction. It’s a fast paced world and you need to move with it!

@domwalton: Confront obstacles – the longer you leave them in place the larger and more burdensome they become

Do you have a career tip that’s brought you success? Use the hashtag #FindBetter on Twitter or comment on our Facebook page to share it with the Monster community.

The post #FindBetter Wednesdays: Your Advice for Career Success appeared first on MonsterWorking.